AttackMan, a dungeon crawling pacman-like game

If you're an old school gamer who enjoyed Pacman, AttackMan owes it's roots to this classic game. AttackMan was created as part of the WeekSauce March game jam, which featured a theme of using 0x72's Dungeon Tileset II in an interesting way.
Play the HTML version or download the Linux AppImage here:
In AttackMan, the royal knight AttackMan is stuck in the lower levels of a dungeon maze. Avoid quick Skeletons, Demons who spew fire, and a nasty earth-shattering Ogre. Each enemy has it's own quirk.
Unlike Pacman, when you gobble up the big coin/pill you temporarily can fire daggers at enemies. The firing time is very short (currently 5 seconds), so make the best use of these pills.
At the moment there is no Windows download. I'm working on this along with a gameover screen for when the player loses all 3 lives (currently the game just restarts). There is a gameover screen if you beat all 5 levels.
I recreated some of the tiles to make it easier to create levels.
The game runs at 960x540. I chose this resolution so that I can add support for 1080p.
WASD to move, space to fire... or use a controller!
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