Squishy gets fullscreen and pause options

You're on a winning streak, spewing slime at all those mutant angler fishes, and nature is calling... now you can pause Squishy and the Fishes by pressing P.
The game is now set for a minimum of 1366x768 resolution. I actually had some really weird resolutions going on between 3 rooms, which were all different sizes. The in-game camera is now 1366x768 (it was 1024x768 before). This means you should see a few more angler fishes on the fringes.
Squishy and the Fishes was previously only windowed mode. While Squishy still starts in windowed mode, you can now toggle between windowed and full screen mode by pressing F.
The pause option actually took a lot of work as I first tried a more advanced method, and it totally messed up the game, and forced me to redraw bits of the game. I ended up employing a simpler method that seems to work better.
I was hoping to get to work on a MacOS version, but this is going to be delayed.
I spent a good amount of time this afternoon drawing a new angler fish before realizing it was 1/2 the size of the current angler fish sprite... but it looks pretty wicked. I'm going to spend some time over the next few days trying to animate the new sprite. Unfortunately the next couple of days I have company, and work outside of work, so there's little chance I'll get to work seriously on Squishy for a bit.
Next weekend I'm manning a booth at a retro computer festival both days, so it's unlikely I'll be able to do some serious work next weekend either. But I've been relentless the past few days adding more features.
Another exciting event, I now have a new wired controller. I haven't had the chance to do anything with it yet, but this means I'll likely attempt to add controller support in the not-to-distant future.
Get Squishy and the Fishes
Squishy and the Fishes
Bullet hell involving a cute frog and mutant fishes
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