- January 25, 2025 by Chaslinux##controller, ##Linux, ##Ubuntu, ##HTMLThis update finally fixes the web/HTML version on When I last compiled there was an issue with the game engine and HTML exports. This was fixed and the game now loads on the https://chaslinux... Continue reading
- October 18, 2023 by Chaslinux#Shamus, #Sumash, #Droids, #Drones, #Linux, #HTML, #MazeBoth the ( ) and the Linux versions of Sumash have several changes. The size of the display has doubled (1024 x 576 from 512 x 288). This makes everything... Continue reading
- October 13, 2023 by Chaslinux#movement, #enemies, #shooting, #droids, #dones, #shamus, #sumashUpdated now. Enemies now have some basic movement. I've intentionally set up the enemies so that only the spiral drone fires. Robo-droids and snap jumpers do not fire. The behaviour of snap jumpers is... Continue reading
- October 03, 2023 by Chaslinux#SHAMUS, #SUMASH, #SHMUP, #RETRO, #LINUX, #HTML, #INDIE, #ACTION, #ALPHAI adore my 64, my Commodore 64... Back in the early to mid 1980's our family had a Commodore 64. I played a lot of games on the C64 (and made a few very small non-commercial games). Games like Jumpman... Continue reading